Garrity Lab
Brandeis University


H.M. Frank, S. Walujkar, R.M. Walsh, W.J. Laursen, D.L. Theobald, P.A. Garrity*, and R. Gaudet*. (2024) Structural basis of ligand specificity and channel activation in an insect gustatory receptor. Cell Reports, 43:114035 PMID: 38573859. (* co-corresponding authors). (Preview: G.J.S. Talross and J.R. Carlson (2024). Sugar detection in 3D: Structure of an insect gustatory receptor. Cell Reports, 43:114166.)
R. Tang, R. Busby, W.J. Laursen, G.T. Keane, and P.A. Garrity. (2024) Functional dissection of mosquito humidity sensing reveals distinct Dry and Moist Cell contributions to blood feeding and oviposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121: e2407394121. PMID:39159375. (Commentary: C. Montell (2024) IRoning out mosquitoes' attraction to mugginess. PNAS 121:e2415306121.)
W.J. Laursen, G. Budelli, E.C. Chang, R. Gerber, R. Tang, C. Greppi, R. Albuquerque and P.A. Garrity. (2023) Humidity sensors that alert mosquitoes to nearby hosts and egg-laying sites. Neuron. 2023 Mar 15;111(6):874-887.e8.
Laursen WJ, Tang R, Garrity PA. (2023) Hunting with heat: thermosensory-driven foraging in mosquitoes, snakes and beetles. J Exp Biol (2023) 226 (13): jeb229658.
Laursen WJ*, Busby R*, Sarkissian T, Chang EC, Garrity PA. (2023) DMKPs provide a generalizable strategy for studying genes required for reproduction or viability in nontraditional model organisms. Genetics. 2023 May 26;224(2):iyad057.
*These authors contributed equally

2021 & 2022

T. Sarkissian, C. Mazzio and P.A. Garrity. (2022) Salt sensing: a new receptor for an ancient taste. Current Biology, 32:R373-R375.
L. Hernandez-Nunez, A. Chen, G. Budelli, M.E. Berck, V. Richter, A. Rist, A.S. Thum, A. Cardona, M. Klein, P.A. Garrity and A.D.T. Samuel. (2021) Synchronous and opponent thermosensors use flexible cross-inhibition to orchestrate thermal homeostasis. Science Advances, 7(35):eabg6707.

C. Greppi*, W.J. Laursen*, G. Budelli, E.C. Chang, A.M. Daniels, L. van Giesen, A.L. Smidler, F. Catteruccia, and P.A. Garrity. (2020) Mosquito heat seeking is driven by an ancestral cooling receptor. Science, 367:681-684. PMC8092076. (Perspective: C.R. Lazzari. (2020) In the heat of the night. Science 367:628-629.)
E.C. Marin, L. Buld, M. Theiss, T. Sarkissian, R.J.V. Roberts, R. Turnbull, I.F.M. Tamimi, M.W. Plaijzier, W.J. Laursen, N. Drummond, P. Schlegel, A.S., Bates, F. Li, M. Landgraf, M. Costa, D.D. Bock, P.A. Garrity, G.S.X.E. Jefferis. (2020) Connectomics analysis reveals first-, second-, and third-order thermosensory and hygrosensory neurons in the adult Drosophila brain. Current Biology30:3167-3182. PMC7443704
*These authors contributed equally

G. Budelli, L. Ni, C. Berciu, L. van Giesen, Z.A. Knecht, E.C. Chang, B. Kaminski, A.F. Silbering, A. Samuel, M. Klein, R. Benton, D. Nicastro and P.A. Garrity. (2019) Ionotropic Receptors Specify the Morphogenesis of Phasic Sensors Controlling Rapid Thermal Preference in Drosophila. Neuron, 101:738-747. PMC6709853


Z. Knecht, A.F. Silbering, J. Cruz, L. Yang, V. Croset, R. Benton,and P.A. Garrity. (2017) Ionotropic Receptor-dependent moist and dry cells control hygrosensation in Drosophila. eLife, 6: e26654. PMC5494467
L. van Giesen and P.A. Garrity (2017) More than meets the IR: the expanding roles of variant Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors in sensing odor, taste, temperature and moisture. F1000 Research 6: 1753. PMC5615767
Z. Knecht, A.F. Silbering, L. Ni, M. Klein, G. Budelli, R. Bell, L. Abuin, A.J. Ferrer, A.D.T. Samuel, R. Benton,and P.A. Garrity. (2016) Distinct combinations of variant ionotropic glutamate receptors mediate thermosensation and hygrosensation in Drosophila. eLife, 5: e17879. PMC5052030
L. Ni, M. Klein, K. Svec, G. Budelli, E.C. Chang, A.J. Ferrer, R. Benton, A. Samuel and P.A. Garrity (2016). The Ionotropic Receptors IR21a and IR25a mediate cool sensing in Drosophila. eLife, 5: e13254. PMC4851551

C.Greppi, G. Budelli, and P.A. Garrity (2015). Some like it hot, but not too hot. eLife, e12838.
B. Barbagallo and P.A. Garrity (2015). Thermal sensation in Drosophila. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 34C: 8-13. PMC4508239
Z.A. Knecht, R. Gaudet, and P.A. Garrity (2015). The touching tail of a mechanotransduction channel. Cell 25:12-14-1216
M. Klein, B. Alonso, A. Vonner, L. Hernandez-Nunea, M. Berck, C.J. Tabone, E.A. Kane, V. Pieribone, M.N. Nitabach, A. Cardona, M. Zlatic, S. Sprecher, M. Gershow, P. Garrity, and A.D.T. Samuel (2015). Sensory determinants of behavioral dynamics in Drosophila thermotaxis. PNAS, 112: E220-229.PMC4299240.
L.M. Head, X. Tang, S.E. Hayley, T. Goda, Y. Umezaki, E. Chang, J.R. Leslie, M. Fujiwara, P.A. Garrity, and F.N. Hamada (2015). The influence of light on temperature preference in Drosophila. Current Biology, 25: 1063-1068.PMC4406824
L. Ni, P. Bronk, E.C. Chang, A.M. Lowell, J.O. Flam, V.C. Panzano, D.L. Theobald, L.C. Griffith, and P.A. Garrity (2013). A gustatory receptor paralog controls rapid warmth avoidance in Drosophila. Nature 500, 580-584.(Dispatch: C. Montell (2013) Gustatory receptors: not just for good taste. Current Biology 23, R929-R932. E.M. Adler (2013)
Generally physiological: Fleeing heat and light. Journal of General Physiology 142:325-326.)
P. Sengupta and P. Garrity (2013). Sensing temperature Current Biology 23, R304-R307.
K. Kang, V.C. Panzano, E.C. Chang, L. Ni, A.M. Dainis, A.M. Jenkins, K. Regna, M.A.T. Muskavitch, and P.A. Garrity (2012) Modulation of TRPA1 thermal sensitivity enables sensory discrimination in Drosophila. Nature 481:76-80. (Commentary: A.P. Braun (2012)
Structural remodeling of the N-terminus tunes TRPA1 channel activation and regulates behavioral responses in Drosophila. Channels (2012) 6, 50-51. Research Highlights: S. Lewis, (2012) Sensory transduction: How TRPs discriminate between different stimuli. Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2012) 13:74.)
J.G. Bernstein, P. Garrity, and E.S. Boyden (2012) Optogenetics and thermogenetics: technologies for controlling the activity of targeted cells within intact neural circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22:61-71.
G.G. Neely, A.C. Keene, P. Duchek, E.C. Chang,Q.P. Wang, Y.A. Aksoy, M. Rosenzweig, M. Costigan, C.J. Woolf, P.A. Garrity, J. Penninger. (2011) TRPA1 regulates thermal nociception in Drosophila. PLoS One 6:e24343.
S. Lahiri, K. Shen, M. Klein, A. Tang, E. Kane, M. Gershow, P. Garrity, A.D. Samuel (2011) Two alternating motor programs drive navigation in Drosophila larvae. PLoS One 6:e23180.
P.A. Garrity (2011) Weakly acidic, but strongly irritating: TRPA1 and the activation of nociceptors by cytoplasmic acidification. J. General Physiology 137: 489-491.
D.A. Glauser, W.C. Chen, R. Agin, B.L. Macinnis, A.B. Hellman, P.A. Garrity, M.W. Tan, M.B. Goodman. (2011) Heat Avoidance is Regulated by Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels and a Neuropeptide Signaling Pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 188:91-103.
P.A. Garrity. (2010) Neuroscience: Feel the light. Nature 468:900-901.
Neely GG, Hess A, M. Costigan, Keene AC, Goulas S, Langeslag M, Griffin RS, Belfer I, Dai F, Smith SB, Diatchenko L, Gupta V, Xia CP, Amann S, Kreitz S, Heindl-Erdmann C, Wolz S, Ly CV, Arora S, Sarangi R, Dan D, Novatchkova M, Rosenzweig M, Gibson DG, Truong D, Schramek D, Zoranovic T, Cronin SJ, Angjeli B, Brune K, Dietzl G, Maixner W, Meixner A, Thomas W, Pospisilik JA, Alenius M, Kress M, Subramaniam S, Garrity PA, Bellen HJ, Woolf CJ, Penninger JM. (2010) A genome-wide Drosophila screen for heat nociception identifies alpha2delta3 as an evolutionarily conserved pain gene. Cell 143:628-638.
P.A. Garrity, M.B. Goodman, A.D. Samuel, and P. Sengupta. (2010) Running hot and cold: behavioral strategies, neural circuits and the molecular machinery for thermotaxis in C. elegans and Drosophila. Genes and Development 24:2365-82.
V.C. Panzano, K. Kang, and P.A. Garrity. (2010) Infrared snake eyes: TRPA1 and the thermal sensitivity of the snake pit organ. Sci. Signaling 3:pe22.
K. Kang, S.R. Pulver, V.C. Panzano, E.C. Chang, L.C. Griffith, D.L. Theobald, and P.A. Garrity. (2010) Analysis of Drosophila TRPA1 reveals an ancient origin for human chemical nociception. Nature, 464, 597-600. ( News and Views: L.J. Macpherson and A. Patapoutian, (2010) Channels: flies feel your pain. Nature Chemical Biology, 6:252-253. Leading Edge: M. Doucleff. (2010) Flies flee the sushi bar. Cell, 141: 375. Faculty of 1000 Evaluation: M. Andresen)
L. Luo, M. Gershow, C. Fang-Yen, M. Rosenzweig, K. Kang, P.A. Garrity*, and A.D. Samuel*. (2010) Navigational decision-making in Drosophila thermotaxis. J. Neuroscience, 30, 4261-4272.
Pre 2010
M.E. Dillon, G. Wang, P.A. Garrity, and R.B. Huey. (2009) Thermal preference in Drosophila. Journal of Thermal Biology, 34, 109-119.
S.R. Pulver, S. Pashkovski, N.J. Hornstein, P.A. Garrity, and L.C. Griffith. (2009) Temporal dynamics of neuronal activation by Channelrhodopsin-2 and TRPA1 determine behavioral output in Drosophila larvae. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101, 3075-3088.
K. M. Parisky, J. Agosto, S. R. Pulver, Y. Shang, E. Kuklin, J.L. Hodge, K. Kang, X. Liu, P. A. Garrity, M. Rosbash and L. C. Griffith. (2008) PDF cells are a GABA-responsive wake-promoting component of the Drosophila sleep circuit. Neuron, 26, 672-681.
F. Hamada, M. Rosenzweig, K. Kang, S. R. Pulver, A. Ghezzi, T.J. Jegla and P.A. Garrity. (2008) An internal sensor controlling temperature preference in Drosophila. Nature, 454, 217-220.
M. Rosenzweig, K. Kang, and P.A. Garrity. (2008) Distinct TRP channels are required for warm and cool avoidance in Drosophila melanogaster. PNAS, 105, 14668-14673.
P.A. Garrity. (2007) The role of adaptation in C. elegans thermotaxis: Focus on "Short-term adaptation and temporal processing in the cryophilic response of Caenorabditis elegans" Journal of Neurophysiology, 97, 1874-1876.
J. Whited, M. Robichaux, J.C. Yang, and P.A. Garrity. (2007) PTPMEG is required for the proper establishment and maintenance of axon branches in the Drosophila central brain, Development, 134, 43-53.
R. Khodosh, A. Augsburger, T. Schwarz, and P.A. Garrity. (2006) Bchs, a BEACH domain protein, antagonizes Rab11 in synapse morphogenesis and other developmental events, Development, 133, 4655-4665.
M. Rosenzweig, K. Brennan, T.D. Tayler, P.O. Phelps, A. Patapoutian, and P.A. Garrity. (2005) The Drosophila ortholog of vertebrate TRPA1 regulates thermotaxis. Genes and Development 19:419-424. (Perspective: M.J. Caterina and C. Montell (2005) Take a TRP to beat the heat. Genes and Development 19:415-418.)
P.A. Garrity (2005). Tinkers to Evers to Chance: Semaphorin signaling takes teamwork. Nature Neuroscience 8, 1635-1636.
T.D. Tayler, M. Robichaux, and P.A. Garrity. (2004). Compartmentalization of visual centers in the Drosophila brain requires Slit and Robo proteins. Development 131:5935-5945.
J. Whited, A. Cassell, M. Brouilette, and P.A. Garrity. (2004). Dynactin is required to maintain nuclear position within postmitotic Drosophila photoreceptor neurons. Development 131: 4677-4686.
H.C. Sears, C.J. Kennedy, and P.A. Garrity. (2003). Macrophage-mediated corpse engulfment is required for normal Drosophila CNS morphogenesis. Development 130: 3557-3565.
P.A. Garrity (2003). How neurons avoid derailment. Nature 422, 570-571.
T. Tayler and P.A Garrity (2003). Axon targeting in the Drosophila visual system. Curr. Opinion Neurobiology 13, 90-95.
M. Rosenzweig and P.A. Garrity (2002). Axon targeting meets protein trafficking: Comm takes Robo to the cleaners. Dev. Cell 3, 301-302.
J. Whited and P.A. Garrity (2002). Specifying axon identity with Syd-1. Nature Neuroscience 5, 1107-1108.